Sunday, September 12, 2010

Walking with Dinosaurs at the Staples Center

So a group of us, through Creation Science Evangelism, been going down to the Staples Center in Los Angeles to hand out tracts that give the biblical perspective on dinosaurs to people exiting the 'Walking with Dinosaurs' show. This show is done by the BBC and is on a world-wide tour presenting ONLY the evolution religion's point of view. I've learned a lot about taking a public stand for Christ. It's been amazing to connect with other Christians in order to represent our King to this fallen world.

Saturday morning I went out for the last showing I'd committed to, and my eight year old daughter went with me. It was great! We handed out tracts offering the exiting crowd the biblical perspective on dinosaurs. We were also able to hand out some $1M bills and explain to them that the reverse side of the bill explains how Jesus took the punishment we deserve for our crimes (sins) against God so that we could be pardoned. Some people stood behind us and laughed at us, some were disgusted and cursed at us, some said the bibilical perspective was trash. Most people we talked to said, "No thank you" courteously. But some people took the tracts. Of those, many thanked us. Some were reading the tracts while they walked to their cars. Some even came back and asked my daughter for another one to give away to other people. My daughter was REALLY surprised that people came back to ask her for another one.

As we were saying goodbye to the L.A. Coordinator, Garth; he knelt down to my daughter's level, hugged her, and with watering eyes, he said, "Just think, someday when we get to Heaven, someone might come up to you, hug you, and thank you for giving them a bible tract, because they were led to salvation through Jesus because you gave them a tract." God put us in the company of some of His most outstanding servants in this event. I look forward to someday working with them to expand God's kingdom again someday.

I'm so thankful that I was offered this opportunity to take a stand for Christ in a way that is more bold than I have thus far, and I can't wait to see what He leads me to do for His glory next. I'm thankful that my daughter got to see first-hand what it means to take the name of our Saviour, both the rewarding and the difficult, and I can't wait to see how He grows her in Him in the future.

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for taking the punishment I deserve so I could go free and live forever with you. Until I can thank you face to face, please send me more opportunities to step out in boldness for your name's sake, so that you might save some from Hell.