Sunday, June 1, 2008

Something Smells Fishy Here

1. The Patriot Act was written and approved so that our government didn’t have to give rights to captured terrorists.
2. Then our government decided that the President can declare martial law as he deems necessary, uncontested by the Senate or Congress.
3. Then our government decided that waterboarding wasn’t torture and subsequently used it on captured terrorists as a standard means of interrogation.
4. Then HR1955 was issued allowing our government to consider U.S. citizens who speak out against our government's agenda or who talk about there ONLY being one way to Heaven [which is through Christ alone] to be identified as ‘Homegrown Terrorists’. They see this as 'intolerance'.
5. Then our government began inserting RFID chips into the new passports so the government could monitor/prevent terrorism.
6. Then the Real ID w/ biometric data was to begin 05/08 (but was postponed) to create a national registry to monitor/prevent terrorism.

7. Then it was DNA being collected from every newborn (beginning 6 mos. from 05/08) for genetic research as well as to create a national registry.
8. Then the UK announced it was combining Human and Animal (Cow) DNA.
9. Then it was the UK inserting DNA from preserved extinct tiger flesh into a mouse to try to bring the tiger out of extinction.
10. Then our government wants our health records to allow us easier access of our records, while allowing the creation of a national registry.
11. Now Congress wants our fingerprints in order for home loans to be approved to create a national registry and for the government to create a national registry.

What is our government trying to do? Something smells fishy here.