Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sin and Consequences

Sin is the opposite of righteousness, just as evil is the opposite of good, just as darkness is the opposite of light. Without sin, one wouldn't know what righteousness was. An example of this is the handicapped child who doesn't know they're handicapped until they see someone who isn't handicapped. Before they see someone who isn't handicapped they see being handicapped as being normal. To put it simply, the existence of sin & evil allow mankind to recognize it as such by contrasting it against the righteousness and goodness of God. Does this mean that we should try to sin as much as possible so that God is shown as all the more righteous? The Apostle Paul would say, "May it never be!" One reason is because light and darkness (evil and righteousness) cannot occupy the same place at the same time. God cannot abide where sin is present which is why he created a place to send the sinful so as to be separate from God. That place is called Hell.