Monday, August 6, 2007

The Genesis

Noun: Genesis (geneses, jinises) - A coming into being.
I submit, the beginning or the foundation upon which a thing is built. All questions in life can be answered by looking to their genesis, their beginning, the time at which they came to be - their foundation. For that reason I want to make sure my first blog entry (my test run if you will) will lay a proper foundation, so that what I write, will be true and structurally sound.

What I believe:
I'm a Christian and as such, I believe that God exists. I believe the existence of God can be proven. I believe that God is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (able to be everywhere at one time). Since I believe that God is omniscient, I believe that He knows the beginning from the end and therefore we have no reason to doubt ANYthing he says. I believe that every word He has given to us was given for a reason. I believe that the Bible is His inerrant Word, written by men who were inspired by Him. I believe that before anything was, God was. I believe that God created the world in six 24-hour days. I believe in one triune God consisting of three equal parts (Father, Son, & Spirit) that make up one being. I believe that salvation is a free gift given to all, but rejected by most. I believe that we don't deserve salvation, nor is there ANYthing either in whole or in part that we could do to earn it ourselves. I believe in both the sovereignty of God as well as His creating mankind with free will. I believe in the existence of angels & demons, good & evil, Heaven & Hell. I believe we are all created equally, but have different roles that human nature has falsely dictated as some being superior to others. I trust in God's promise because Jesus paid the price for my sin by conquering death, a price I couldn't pay on my own, I'm going to Heaven when He says it's my time. I believe I can't wait to see Him face to face.

What I don't believe:
I don't believe in evolution. I don't believe God is unknowable. I don't believe in purgatory, valhalla, or nirvana. I don't believe that Satan was the brother of Jesus. I don't believe that any part of the triune God is a created being. I don't believe ANY good person has ever existed outside of Jesus Christ. Outside of God and his promises, I don't believe in absolutes. I don't believe in the infallibility of the Pope. I don't believe there is any human without sin. I don't believe God and Allah are the same being. I don't believe there is no afterlife. I don't believe Buddha, Joseph Smith, or Mohammad were prophets nor do I believe they are in Heaven today. I don't believe that yoga exists without Hinduism, nor Hinduism without yoga. I don't believe in reincarnation, transcendental meditation, or the New Age Movement. I don't believe in Postmodernism and/or the need for seeker churches. I don't believe it is the Christian's responsibility to convert ANYone. I don't believe people are born gay. I don't believe that life starts only at or after birth.

This will be my first blog entry attempt and will be left on this page whether archived or not to represent who I am and my position on anything.